You have the power to transform your health using this Roadmap to identify potential stressors at the root of chronic illness and disease!


I personally know the pain, fear, and confusion of navigating serious and mysterious conditions when my daughter was suffering from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance. Helping her completely heal from what is considered by many 'incurable' is one of my greatest accomplishments in life.

When my daughter was sick, I prayed for two things: knowledge that healing was possible and a roadmap on how to help her feel better. If I could travel back in time, this is the one resource I'd give myself to help us understand the big picture of the stressors at the root of illness and disease. It is a labor of love that takes all of the tough lessons in life and transforms them into actionable information to help others reclaim their wellness.


  • Dealing with a chronic illness or mysterious symptoms that have impacted the quality of your life and your relationships?

  • Experiencing high levels of anxiety and wanting to find the root cause?

  • Suffering from flares and exhausted from trying to do all the 'right' things that seem to work for others like diet, supplements, or medication?

  • Desperate for long-term solutions versus relying on pharmaceuticals or rescue medications to try to survive?

  • Being bounced around from specialist to specialist and still not getting any answers after months of waiting?

  • Frustrated that you don't have thousands of dollars to spare for private condition specialists, functional medicine, or holistic doctors?

If that sounds like you,

we invite you to allow yourself to imagine a life free from the burden of chronic symptoms and the frustration of unanswered questions.


The Root Cause Roadmap is a 17 page PDF guide viewable on all devices which curates insightful information in an easy to understand way. It includes links to more than 46 books for deeper exploration, many written by doctors and experts in their respective fields. Also included are a few recommended at-home testing options for personal exploration.


Regain Control of Your Life

It is said that 'Knowledge is Power', which also means that a lack of knowledge can be called disempowerment. The Root Cause Roadmap empowers you to take charge of your health journey by providing curated information in an easy to understand format. The high level roadmap allows you to gain insight and inspiration around what areas to explore resolving outside of diet & medication.

Find Relief and Answers

Tired of feeling like a medical mystery? Our roadmap provides clarity and guidance on how the stressors of your life are causing your symptoms. Therefore, you no longer need to rely on random suggestions from social media groups wasting money on products you don't need or eliminating everything from your diet getting down to a handful of 'safe' foods. Discover the answers and solutions you've been desperately seeking.

Access Affordable Wellness Information

Access holistic insights without breaking the bank. Unlike costly specialist visits, our roadmap is only $9, ensuring that the knowledge needed to become the captain of your wellness journey are within your reach, regardless of your financial situation.

Take Action with Clear Guidance

Overwhelmed by too much information and difficulty sorting through it all due to brain fog? Our easy-to-understand roadmap cuts through the confusion. Start your journey to health with clear, actionable information that will provide the foundation to resolving any issues at the root.


Many of the experts of any chronic condition or serious disease take advantage of their demand by charging thousands of dollars for just one meeting with a waitlist that is months long. Unfortunately, those expensive meetings do not always translate to results and answers for those who are desperate for them.

I had a front-row seat to a successful holistic healing experience, I understand that not everyone is as fortunate. That is why we want to help as many people as possible and remove one of the biggest barriers to wellness: the cost. While this valuable information could certainly be bundled into a course for hundreds of dollars, we want the cost to be an easy and quick decision.

Hi, My Name is Monique!

I have a deep passion for holistic and integrative wellness, with a focus on stress resilience. Two major life challenges ignited my sheer determination to understand how stress impacts all levels of the body and how that leads to sickness and disease.

First, my best friend, Lauren was diagnosed with stage IIIC Colorectal Cancer at age 33. She was the healthiest person I knew and together we set out learning everything we could to help her return to wellness. We tried nearly every holistic modality and tool and read dozens of books together.

Secondly, just a few months after her diagnosis, I became a first time mom. Motherhood and all the major life changes and challenges that surrounded that time gave me a real life masterclass in stress, forcing me to step out of my comfort zones in new ways. Just a year after I was feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, and disempowered I found myself with an abundance of confidence, hope, and knowledge that healing is possible.

Gaining a life-changing understanding of stress led me to found Stressology—a business dedicated to promoting resilience and cultivating a more balanced life. I pride myself on being an exceptional teammate for those drawn to work with me. I am on a mission to empower people to navigate the stress of life with ease. I am openly and eagerly awaiting the opportunity to support your quest for wellness and self-discovery.


“Knowledge is power, but knowledge about yourself is self-empowerment.”

- Dr. Joe Dispenza



Identify the stressors of your life in order to create a healthy and a happy life of your dreams.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Root Cause Roadmap based on scientific research?

The Root Cause Roadmap is built upon the research of Dr. Hans Selye as the foundation. Each section includes recommendations for further reading of nearly 50 books, with the vast majority of authors having their doctorate or PhD. The way that we at Stressology have organized this information provides a fresh perspective on a popular topic using trusted research sources.

How does stress impact chronic illness and disease?

Our stress response is a valuable survival mechanism but we are not meant to live in constant state of activation. The relationship between stress and chronic health conditions is complex and multifaceted. At a high level, stress suppresses the immune system, triggers the release of hormones that lead to inflammation, disrupts hormonal balance, impacts nearly every system in the body such as the digestive, and cardiovascular, and increases the likelihood of unhealthy coping behaviors to suppress chronic symptoms or pain.

 What makes this roadmap different from other stress management resources?

The majority of stress management resources primarily focus on the mental health and mindfulness components of stress. However, this is the first to take a truly integrative approach that looks at the stressors impacting the mind, body, and spirit.

How can I access the discounted services from your partnerships?

There are links which include discount codes that are embedded in the PDF of the Root Cause Roadmap that allow you to do at-home testing to gain the information needed to make informed decisions.

Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied with the roadmap?

Due to the digital / instant access nature of this product no refunds are offered. However if you have any issue at all with the product, please email me and we can discuss. If there are issues with it that cannot be resolved, then a refund may be offered within 7 days from purchase.

Can I access the Root Cause Roadmap on any device?

Yes, the Root Cause Roadmap will be delivered in a PDF format which is accessible on any device.

Do you offer any additional resources or support beyond the roadmap?

Yes, the Root Cause Roadmap is a foundational element of the Stressology Approach but the keys to navigating it can be found in the Coherence Course, which is a 22 day program to unlock your inner wisdom to navigate to your True North (personal goals). I also offer one on one coaching to help identify and prioritize efforts to decrease your Total Stressor Load. Click here to learn more.

Are there any prerequisites or prior knowledge required to use the roadmap effectively?

The information in the Root Cause Roadmap is foundational and designed to be easily understood and accessible to everyone. The power of the roadmap is the ability to tie together complex research in an easy to understand manner.

 How can I access the Root Cause Roadmap after making the $9 payment?

Upon checkout an email will be sent to you with a link to view and/or download the Root Cause Roadmap in PDF form.

Copyright @ Stressology, LLC